Τρίτη 15 Μαρτίου 2011

Breathtaking Black Interior Design Ideas

completely-black-apartment-design-living room
Black is an equally magical and beautiful color when compared with white for doing interiors. Although it is not everyone’s first choice as it doesn’t give that cool beautiful and refreshing look. But it is also true that when it comes to style and fashion, black is unbeatable. Here is a preview of a Black Apartment done by The Apt for Cindy Gallop, the chairwoman of advertising giant BBH. She asked the studio to make the apartment to looks like it’s a Shanghai nightclub at night. The effect is enormous and fantastic. As the result she got an apartment with almost completely black-lacquered interior. The beauty of this whole apartment lies in the fact that there are no walls whatsoever, just a network of curtains which could be used to make rooms on-the-fly.
The whole apartment has become the great place for comfortable living filled with luxury. By the way, it’s also become an awesome place for several photo shoots and even music videos. Each corner of this apartment is done extremely tastefully; the decor is night club like and being in the living room one feels like being in some exotic nightclub, the superb lightingsadd to the flavour. The beautiful amalgamation of the photos collection on the wall, the fake animal skin on furniture and lounge upholstery everything makes you feel like a star once you are in there. The lighting in this black apartment decor plays a crucial role. Without the beautiful focus of the lightings make each and every decoration piece stand out.
The bedroom is done up in the same taste, black transparent curtains are inviting and the decor here is subtle and does give a calming effect. The black furnishings doubly conclude black is just too beautiful. The lighting in the bedroom, animal skin rug large windows and the lovely painting above the bed create a wonderful aura. The study cum entertainment room is actually breathtaking, once you enter this room you would surely like to spend some time in leisure reading or just watching television. The bathrooms in beautiful black tiles all over the place with beautiful lightings make it look luxurious and magnificent. The kitchen and dining area seem to complement each other so well. The whole house boasts beauty and elegance. The beauty of this whole apartment is extremely innovative and elegant. We can incorporate these wonderful ideas into our own home decor and the results would be for all to appreciate.
Completely Black Apartment Design Living Room

Completely Black Apartment Design Dining
completely black apartment design dining

Completely Black Apartment Design Bedroom
completely black apartment design bedroom

Completely Black Apartment Design Bathroom
completely black apartment design bathroom

Completely Black Apartment Design Kitchen
completely black apartment design kitchen

Completely Black Apartment Design Bedroom Decor
completely black apartment design bedroom decor

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