
Δευτέρα 23 Απριλίου 2012

Patrick Dougherty , Installation Art

:: Installation Art
Patrick Dougherty

Combining his carpentry skills with his love of nature, Patrick Dougherty began to learn about primitive techniques of building and to experiment with tree saplings as construction material.

Beginning about 1980 with small works, fashioned in his backyard, he quickly moved from single pieces on conventional pedestals to monumental site-specific installations that require sticks by the truckload. To date he has built over two hundred such massive sculptures all over the world.
His home base is his handmade house of log in Chapel Hill, NC where he lives with his wife Linda and son Sam.

Checkout his work in progress here: Patrick Dougherty - Topiary with a Twist (timelapse)

Official Site: http://www.stickwork.net

Special Thanks to +Peter Mouatt, for guiding my eye’s on these magnificent art installations by Patrick Dougherty!

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