
Κυριακή 20 Ιανουαρίου 2013

Laura Cammarata, a 22 years old fashion photographer.

Who? Laura Cammarata, a 22 years old fashion photographer.

Where? I’m Italian from the southern island of the country, Sicily.
When I started with fashion photography, I used to portray friends and do my own styling,
makeup and hair because in my city there was no industry at all and very few people to collaborate with.
I soon realized it wasn’t enough and I had to move to a place offering better opportunities.
London was my choice and I am extremely thankful for having the chance
of working with such amazing teams in an extraordinary city like this.

Why? I consider my work as the result of my endless quest for beauty and harmony.
I strive for aesthetic perfection and storytelling.
Fashion photography lets me blend these two factors in a way no other art form could do.
I am passionate about the human being and I love to portray its shapes and expressions.
Faces in particular captivate my attention: while I am shooting I lose myself in the close-ups,
it’s what makes me most passionate and inspired. Eyes and lips.
At the same time, fashion is clothes:
I consider it as an eye-catching element to go along and enhance the human body,
not really the main character of my stories.


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